of the American Revolution
Lucy Wolcott
The Lucy Wolcott
Barnum Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is
located in Adrian, Michigan.
The chapter was named for the great-grandmother, Lucy
Wolcott Barnum, of the founding Regent, Louise
Barnum Robbins. The chapter was organized April 19th, 1909, with
the Charter issued October 10th, 1910.
The Abi Evans
Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was organized
in Tecumseh, Michigan,
by founding Regent, Ayesha Raven Laidlaw. The chapter was named for Tecumseh's
first homemaker. The chapter was organized February 22nd, 1927, with the
Charter issued December 27th, 1928.
On April 14th, 2001, the Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter
of Adrian and the Abi Evans Chapter of Tecumseh merged as one chapter to
be known as the Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter.
Our Chapter

Goals of NSDAR
"To preserve Constitutional government of the people, by the people, for
the people; and to instill in the hearts of all Americans a sense of Patriotic
pride in our forefathers who -- at so great a cost -- left us a heritage
of freedom."

The National
Society Daughters of the American Revolution supports several schools
and offers scholarships.
NSDAR has an American Decorative Arts Museum.
There are 31 period rooms in the museum which is located in Washington,
DC. Many programs
are available for schools, children and families throughout the year.
The DAR's library catalog
is available for online searching. Also, the DAR
Manual for Citizenship is available for use online.
Have you ever wondered if your ancestor contributed to the American
Revolution? You can look through the Genealogical Research System (GRS) to see if there is a Patriot in your line. This is not a list of everyone who contributed in some
way to the American Revolution, but a list of all those whose service has
been documented by a DAR member. New Patriots are added regularly.
Please visit the DAR of Michigan's website.
Who may join?
Any woman is eligible for membership
who is no less than eighteen years of age and can prove lineal, blood line,
descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence.
She must provide documentation for each statement of birth, marriage and
For further information, contact a
chapter near you. If you do not live in the United States, check for
Overseas. If there is not a link to a chapter near you, contact any
chapter. They will help you.
For information on membership, contact our Registrar, Linda Hartley.
For general information, contact our Regent, Marianne Vykydal.

Website Advisor
This page last updated
21 October 2021

Hosted by DAR of Michigan